Smokie to Dżin

Ogólne rozmowy o serialu LOST.

Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez predator » 25 maja 2007, 23:48

Pozwolę sobie wkleić argumenty na to, że smokie jest djinnem, a dokładnie jest to teoria qu4d'a.
Bardzo interesujące i według mnie jedyne jak na razie jakkolwiek racjonalne wytłumaczenie smokiego. Teoria w języku angielskim,mam nadzieję, że nikogo to nie zrazi ;)

qu4ds ultimate advanced Smokey is a Djinn (and more) Theory

This Theory might explain the following things:
-What is the Monster?
-Where does it live?
-Is the Monster shapeshifting Yemi and/or Christian Shepard?
-What are the whispers, where are they from?
-What´s with the Sickness or rather Rousseau´s madness?
-How is it possible to see the future?
-How could Ethan be that strong?
-Where did the plane crash?
-What does the Monster want?
-Why did the Monster kill Eko?
-More Smokeys
-Killing the Pilot
-The Sonic Fence
-The Flashes
-Lockes Muteness

And also some further Infos which might support my theory ;)

I think there are at least 2 “monsters”. A Djinn and an Angel. Black and White. Good and Evil.

Genie is the English term for the Arabic جن (jinn). In pre-Islamic Arabian mythology and in Islam, a jinni (also "djinni" or "djini") is a member of the jinn (or "djinn"), a race of supernatural creatures. The word "jinn" literally means anything which has the connotation of concealment, invisibility, seclusion and remoteness. In English it may be loosely translated as Ghost.

Djinns have nothing to do with the pop culture creatures...
They don´t live in oil lamps and they don´t grant 3 wishes.



-Djinns live in dark, wet, muddy places and also in bushes, near ruins and deserts, especially in potholes

-for example the "Dark Territory" and the giant foot statue.

-there are good and bad Djinns and have their own character

-maybe we have seen two of them... or he changed his mind

-Djinns are often very shy

-Yes, when Eko met Smokey at the river, Smokey disappeared immediatly before Locke came for Eko

-Djinns are invisible normally

-Djinns can manifest themself if their element is in the place

-Djinns consist of smoke, steam or fire

-yeah, it pretty much looks like smoke

-Two thousand years before mankind was created, there were Jinn on the Earth, and they caused corruption on it and shed blood. Then Allah sent against them a troop of Angels who beat them and cast them away to islands in the seas.

-Smokey seems to be a castaway on an island in the sea

-Djinns are originally made to protect the paradise

-but the island is NOT the paradise smokey has to protect (because smokey is a castaway)

-The jinn have communities much like human societies: they eat, marry, die, etc. They are invisible to humans, but they can see humans. Sometimes they accidentally or deliberately come into view or into contact with humans.

-It is also known that they eat bones

-In Surah Al-Jinn (Ch. 72), Allah informs us that some Djinn accepted Islam, while others refused. Those who refused have deviated, and developed for themselves different methods, different ways of life, and different religions, sects and denominations

-so LOST is not bound/based just on one religion... matches for example Charlies weird dream/vision

-when you meet a Djinn you shouldn´t speak a word because you might loose your tongue.

-Djinns can cause, manipulate and even enter dreams and it´s said you can be lost forever if you follow him

-we´ve seen lots of dreams which haven´t been "normal" for example Locke seeing the Beechraft, Locke dreaming of being Eko and Eko of seeing Ana-Lucia

-Djinns can be summoned with the help of symbols.

-Maybe the DHARMA Logo?

-Summoning a Djinn causes an incredible pain to the Djinn, so Djinns don´t like to work together with humans and sometimes they work against them

...can move things

-rip off trees, throw Eko around...

...everybody has an angel and a djinn on his side. It is our decission which side(light/dark) we choose!

...bad djinns like seduce people to sin to lead them to the bad way (adultery, drinking alcohol...)...

...animals are pretty sensitive , they feel djinns and angels when they are around...

-Vincent barked often in an odd way
-more possbile appearances:

-Their central home is the mountain Kaf, and they manifest themselves to men under both animal and mortal form and become invisible at will. There are good and evil jinn, and these in, each case reach the extremes of beauty and ugliness

-Locke: i saw a bright light and it was beautiful

This expression looks like Locke is going to cry... because he is impressed of the extrem beauty
-Eko: this is not what i saw
-i think... Locke also saw the same thing Eko saw... and it was frightening(Exodus 3)

-And verily, We created mankind from sounding clay of altered smooth mud and the jinn We created from smokeless fire.(Some sources call the smokeless fire just hot wind... depends on the translation)

-The Prophet said that the angels were created from light and the Jinn were created from smokeless fire (Smokeless fire means the tips of flames ), and Adam (human) was created from clay.

Smokeys residence - Potholes
... a fellow of mohammed used urinate in potholes. Mohammed said: Don´t do this, Djinns live here. One day the fellow was dead next to the pothole. His body was green. Some boys heard 2 voices near a fountain which said: "We killed him with 2 arrows in his liver."... faithless djinns killed him.

-Djinns live in dark, wet, muddy places and also in bushes, near ruins and deserts, especially in potholes

In Exodus 3 Smokey wanted to drag Locke in a pothole

In the 23rd Psalm Smokey gets "shot" out of a pothole and after the confrontation he disappears again in the ground


Shapeshifting islamic savant said: djinns like to transform into snakes, horses, donkeys, camels and dogs...

... a djinn can´t keep his human form for a long time, after a certain time he has to change back to his original shape...

-Djinns are shapeshifters and can appear as black cats or giants as well as humans

-Kates black horse
-Vincent ... 50:50 chance
-Yemi was a manifestation of the monster

The Whispers
-If you try to speak to dead people, be warned, because your not hearing the voice of the dead... YOU HEAR THE VOICE OF THE DJINN

If someome hears whisperlike sounds nearby and if he looks around and it seems to him there are shadows or dark shapes, this means there is a djinn around him.

... a fellow of mohammed used urinate in potholes. Mohammed said: Don´t do this, Djinns live here. One day the fellow was dead next to the pothole. His body was green. Some boys heard 2 voices near a fountain which said: "We killed him with 2 arrows in his liver."... faithless djinns killed him.

-The Wispers

More Smokeys

I think it´s been confirmed that there are several monsters in 3x15.
We´ve seen 3 small smokeys in front of the sonic fence.

First Greggs statement at the fuselage, which is pretty weird.


Then from 3x15 the 3 Smokeys.

And I think there´s already a hint in the Pilot.
In the first night they hear Smokey and watch towards the jungle. Just right in the direction where the noise comes from.
And then just 4 seconds later they hear the noises from the other side of the beach and they all look immediatly in this direction.
I doubt smokey can move THAT fast. There have been several Smokeys from the beginning.

More Smokeys also fit with the Whispers. ... post798844

From the Pilot:
1. We could of handled it (3 sec)
3. Their now an intruder (4 sec)
4. Tell them that we located it and they will be soon be going (6 sec)
5. What are you going to do (9 sec)
6. Will you get going (11 sec)
7. There's no telling when they'll leave (13 sec hi-whisper. Something slowed down behind it too)
8. Do you know what to do with them if they don't leave (14 sec)
9. Do you remember what the plan was (17 sec)
10. look, now they've found another one (19 sec)
11. okay, stick to the plan (20 sec)
12. alright no sign of any's quiet (24 sec)
13. stand ready (27 sec)
14. Go for control of the window, we'll cover you (29 sec)
15. Keep them from suspecting anything (35 sec)
16. and don't let anyone else to know they're/we're here. (36 sec)
17. they've already seen (40 sec)
18. don't let them go free (42 sec)
19. don't matter (48 sec)
20 did you see the scared look on their faces (48 sec)
21. okay, follow them (56)
22. make him run for his life (1:01)
23. keep running, keep...damn he did get far enough (1:06)
[kate hiding in tree]
24 bet that lightning bolt scared her (1:28)

25. what we're gonna do is seperate you (1:31)
26. Do you like the way you left him to be eaten (1:33)

1. tell me when your ready(.5 sec)
2. We could of handled it (2 sec)
3. Their now an intruder (3 sec)
4. Their not leaving (4 sec)
5. Before you...(5 sec)
6. try and get to the tower..(5.5)
7. you hearing me at all (6 sec)
8. Interferance (7 sec)
9. hello (7.5 sec)
10. can you hear (8 sec)
11. there it is (arrows/eros? 8.5 sec)
12. I didn't hear anything (very faint, 9 sec)
13. quiet (10 sec)
14. look they helped their captain (11 sec)
15. hurry it up(13 sec)
16. Let him see you...then try to grab him (14 sec)
17. Kill all of them (26 sec)
18. I told you the plan (27 sec)
19. Kill the pilot, chase them away(55 sec)

20. They really got after it (1:17)

We know who killed the Pilot... Smokey. They spoke about what to do and so on.

The Hurley Bird - Roc

On Rousseaus map there are several notes and one is pretty interesting.
roc sous les alizés

which means
Rock under the Trade Winds

But Rock doesn´t necessary have to be a rock (since we know the Black Rock is a Ship)

"Roc" might refer to the „Hurley Bird“ from S1/S2 Finale.

Roc (also known as Rock, Roch or Rukh) is an enormous mythical bird of prey from the arabian mythology.

Some stories say it´s huge and grabs/eats even elephants. Some say it could just grab a newborn lamb. Most of the stories say it´s white, but it can also be colored.


According to the lore of Sindbad the Sailor, Sindbad bound himself to the leg of the Roc to escape from an remote island.

I think the Hurley Bird has a wingspan of about ~5 meters.
Compared to Jack who is near the bird it´s HUGE.
So i think there are some nice parallels between them and I´d say: Hurley Bird = Roc

Mysterious apparitions

Damon and Carlton mentioned in of the podcasts that Christian Shepard etc. might be coming from the "box" ... whatever it is.
So it seems, like i ever thought, they are not just hallucinations, they were "real".
I think they are being tested. Probably by Smokey.

Christian Shepard

The first apparition was in 1x05 - White Rabbit. Jack saw his dad. Jack was curious about this and thought he would go crazy.

He followed him, but Chris Shepard led him through the jungle.

Jack was being tested whether he could finally let go. But he didn´t. He wanted to catch his dad but he almost would have paid this with his life.
He stumbled and would have died if Locke wouldn´t have been there to help him. Jack was never led to the caves to get water.

He couldn´t let go. This was his test. He didn´t succeed, but he survived.


Another apperition was Dave in 2x18 - Dave. In the mental institution Dave was not real.
But he was a person, a friend Hurley knew. So Smokey used Dave to test Hurley.

In a difficult time for him his shady past cought up with him. Dave appeared.
He was testing Hurleys state of mind, whether Hurley could ged rid off his problems by himself.

Dave told him everything was just in his head. Hurley began to think about this. He didn´t knew whom to trust.
But Hurley was strong. He was sane and Libby helped him to get it. Island-Dave wanted Hurley to commit suicide by jumping down the cliff.


Flashback-Dave was different. He just wanted him to punish himself by eating to much.

Hurley succeeded

Richard Malkin

Richard Malkin is a psychic. He is no fraud.
Raised by another
Claire had a meeting with the "fortune teller" Richard Malkin.
He should read her future in her hands but he saw something.
He refused to continue the session and gave her her money back.

But why did he do this? He saw the crash. He saw Aarons birth and he saw his future.
He decided to "course correct" everything and made Claire to board the plane.
Aaron had to be born on the island and raised by Claire. So he almost "forced" her and so
it ran its course. The plane crashed and everything happened how it was supposed to.
(The Course correction interfered also once. The pens didn´t work. This was no coinsidence for sure)

He knew it, it could be just that plane.He saw the future which was fatal but couldn´t be avoided.
Even with good observation he couldn´t know that. The plane crashed for a reason, but not by someone.
It wasn´t planned by DHARMA or the others. Malkin also did pay the ticket. He had no reason to lie to Claire.

Just like Claire Malkin saw his future. Maybe already when he had his session with Claire, because
Eko was kinda important for Aaron and Claire. He baptized them and he was the only way to achieve this.
This is why he lied to Eko. He knew his daughter Charlotte drowned and was "between the worlds".
How else should she know Yemi? Richard knows this. But if he would have told Eko the truth he wouldn´t have boarded tha plane. Something bad would have happened.


Sulayman is a prophet in the Qur'an who is known as King Solomon from the Bible.

Sulayman is said to have been given control over various elements, such as the wind and transportation. In addition he had excellent relations with the Jinn as well as animals.

As far as I was told (going to get some sources) Sulayman had a "slave-army" of Djinns which had to build
temples and shrines for him.


Purpose of the Sonic Fence

The Sonic Fence we´ve seen makes a special sound with a special frequency.
Sonic waves can be used to cause damage and i think this is how Bakunins brain got toasted.

There are some things Djinns can´t loathe. One of them is singing.
Singing is different from speaking. There is another pitch and so the frequency might have another effect.
TPTB might have interpreted this aversion as a weak point of smokey and created a system to defend yourself against Smokey.
When Smokey hits the wall you can see some small waves because of his impact.
Smokey can´t pass. His physical structure is blocked by the special frequency.

Why Locke couldn´t speak after the hatch implosion

Some stories about Djinns say that you might loose your tongue, when you speak to a Djinn.
This can be interpreted literary. The hatch implosion is still a great mystery, we don´t know what exactly happened there, but it might have something to do with Smokey.
Smokey might have appeared to them but Locke wanted to speak to him. Afterwards he became mute until he got in contact again with the island, which told him what to do next.


When Desmond turned the key, something special happened to him. The screen faded to white. The first flash?
Smokey might not just have scanned him, like he did with Eko and Juliet.
He confronted him with his past. Smokey wanted to study him. He "entered" his dream and wanted to see Desmonds reactions.

Eko seemed interesting for Smokey. Eko was a believing man and so it was easy for Smokey to influence him and use him as a puppet.

Juliet was only scanned but she seemed worthless for him so she was going to die.

The Sickness
-For the ancient Semites, jinn were spirits of vanished ancient peoples who acted during the night and disappeared with the first light of dawn; they could make themselves invisible or change shape into animals at will; these spirits were commonly believed to be responsible for diseases and for the manias of some lunatics.

Their powers are limited, but it´s for example possible to talk to dead people with their help, but also move things, cause sicknesses or heal persons

-Could explain Lockes and Roses healing and Bens tumor... Smokey just doesn´t want to help Ben... so there are no healing powers from the island... it´s Smokey

Desmonds Future Seeing
...when a soothsayer had contact to a djinn he made an agreement with him, so the djinn can inform him about certain events in the future.... the djinns were able to enter the lowest level of heaven and listen to the angles talking about the future secretly... they returned to earth and gave the information to the human contact...

...the angels found out how the djinns got these information... the djinns received then just a part of the informtion and made up some fictional things about the future so they tell many right and wrong predictions to their human contacts...

-after Desmond turned the key something special happened... maybe contact to a djinn

Ethans superpowers
-Evil beings from among the Djinn are roughly equivalent to the demons of Christian lore. In mythology, Djinn have the ability to possess human beings, both in the sense that they persuade humans to perform actions, and like the Christian perception of demonic possession.

-maybe he possesed Ethan Rom... because he seemed VERY POWERFUL
-he dragged Charlie and Claire through the jungle



Angels in the Islam.
-can´t sin
-made of devine light
-can take human form (shapeshifting) by gods order
-no gender
-don´t sleep, eat or drink
-can´t be bad and ever obey god
-their task is to praise god and do all missions they are instructed

-when they are in their natural form (light) they can only be seen by prophets (=Locke?)

There was one mighty Djinn who served Allah and had the privilege to defend the gate of the paradise (actually a task for angels).
His name is Iblis. He is some kind of an fallen Angel.
He is "satan" and his bad disciples are demons (Djinns). They refused to follow gods orders.
So they were banned from the paradise.

Not all Djinns are bad... the bad Djinns are Demons.!!!Important!!!

At the end of the life 2 angels appear and present the specific person his good and bad deeds. If their are more bad deeds, the person enters hell, more good deeds -> paradise.

Maybe Smokey didn´t read Ekos mind in 2x10. He presented him his life. (Makes more sense to me)

And also again, just like the Djinn thingy... DON´T THINK OF CUTE KIDS WITH WINGS

I really like the image of Adam from "Neon Genesis Evangelion", who is the first Angel and also a creature made of light.


Black and White - a divine balance

To support the idea of two "monsters" on the island...

Two sides... yin and yang. Just like the Ba Gua.

Locke said something special during the Backgammon game with Walt.
"There are two players. One side is light, and one side is dark."

Adam and Eve had two stones with em in their "grave"

In Claires Dream.... Lockes Eyes... Black and White

Locke and Eko...

Maybe also Rose and Bernard ;)

So why not Smokey and Lighty...

(Remember ... this is Adam, the first Angel in Neon Genesis Evangelion...just for demonstation purposes)


Where are they?

The "Eyeland" is in the Devils Sea, also called the "Formosa Triangle"
It is similar to the Bermuda Triangle, also with paranormal activities, especially magnetical anomalies.

It´s located in the the´s near the island "Miyake Island" in the south of japan.

The area is known for strange disappearances of ships and planes.

It´s not plotted in any map and a compass will show the geographic north... not the magnetic north.

According to Muhammad Isa Dawud, it also has an increased activity of the djinns.

The compass Sayid gehts from Locke shows him another direction than it should.
He asks which way should be north... the sun goes up in the east and goes down in the west... so they know which direction.
This is a major difference. The difference between geographic and magnetic north is about 11.5°



The Devils Sea should be somewhere around here:

So... the flight route wasn´t directly hitting the Devils Sea (we don´t really know how far it´s stretched)
but it´s not that far away.

Electronic Fog
Many people have reported seeing portals opening in cloudy skies - strange swirling lights sometimes accompanied by sounds - temporal distortions - electromagnetic distortions called 'electronic fog' that can cause a time storm, and the disappearance of planes and ships. There is something about this fog that is important and gives one the sense of all things paranormal.Many people have reported seeing portals opening in cloudy skies - strange swirling lights sometimes accompanied by sounds - temporal distortions - electromagnetic distortions called 'electronic fog' that can cause a time storm, and the disappearance of planes and ships. There is something about this fog that is important and gives one the sense of all things paranormal.

In Episode 3x01 we see an old woman, her name is Amelia...
Amelia Earhart was a noted American aviation pioneer and disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean during an attempt to make a circumnavigational flight in 1937.
Pazific ocean? ;) Isn´t our island supposed to be somewhere around there?
And also we´ve seen the HERARAT AVIATION in 3x16. HERARAT is also an anagram for Earhart.

I´m not saying our old lady is the real Amelia Earhart but there´s to much for a red hering, imho. It´s a hint.


What Smokey wants

Smokey wants the Swan to implode/explode. He wants to defend HIS island. The island was his home but DHARMA came and entered it.
He wants to get rid of the people.

The Swan maybe was never meant to be found by Locke... but he found it by accident.
He just missinterpreted a lot of things.

He was close to the point to open that damn thing... then Smokey caused this strange dream which brought him off the way.
Locke should find the pearl... It was too risky for John to climb up to the plane.

"Deus Ex Machina":

Locke: It doesn't matter anymore. But, but, this island, it changed me. It made me whole. Now it's trying to take it back and I don't know why. But it wants me to follow what I saw.
Boone: What?
Locke: I know it sounds crazy. 4 weeks ago I wouldn't have believed it myself. But you and I are here for a reason. There's something that we were meant to find -- something that's going to help us get into the hatch. I know it. But we've got to keep going.

Locke was totally right. He also followed the sign.
But he gave up and returned to the swan after Boones accident.


From there he should have seen the mark on the ground.


If they would have found the Pearl, they would have seen the Orientation Video and could have observed Desmond.


Either Desmond would have commited suicide ....


...or they would have told Desmond that everything is just an experiment (what it originally was until the incident)

Anyway... the hatch would finally have exploded/imploded/whatever.

But Smokeys plan failed... Locke didn´t find the Pearl. So he continued to open the hatch.

"Born to Run":
Smokey gave Locke the final warning. Either Smokey possesed Walt or he used his shapeshifting abilty.

Locke: What's the matter?
Walt: Don't open it.
Locke: What'd you say?
Walt: Don't open it, Mr. Locke. Don't open that thing.
Locke: What? What thing?
Walt: Just don't open it.


But Locke didn´t listen to him... he finally wanted to blow up the hatch door.
But Smokey couldn´t let this happen and tried to kill Locke and dragged him through the jungle into his hole.


But Locke "escaped" from him and entered the hatch.

"Man of Science, Man of Faith":
So Smokeys appears again as Walt. But this time to Shannon and Sayid.


Walt napisał(a):Where is the button. Don´t. The button is bad.

But they don´t understand him... So they don´t do anything.
Smokey later tried again to get contact. He led Shannon to the Tailies. Maybe she was supposed to die, maybe not.

Anyway... she should bring the Tailes to the Lostied camp and bring Locke and Eko together.

So Eko is Lockes next "partner" to bring him finally to the Pearl Station.


"?" :
They really find it and Locke is now convinced not to press the button.


"Live Together, Die Alone":
But Smokey has now another problem... Eko seems to have missinterpreted this and now wants to continue pressing the button.
Locke stops him... the button doesn´t get pushed. The hatch implodes. The island seems to be visible now.


And it´s a simple question... but why didn´t Smokey go down to the hatch and smash the computer on his own? Why didn´t he go down the hatch to kill Desmond or the other DHARMA employees?

The Answer is also simple. Djinns avoid/loathe salt, singing and STEEL. So all the DHARMA Stations are "djinn-protected". Djinns simply can´t enter.


Why did Smokey kill Eko

In the Koran is written
Sure 72-13
And indeed when we heard the Guidance (this Qur'ân), we believed therein, and whosoever believes in his Lord shall have no fear, either of a decrease in the reward of his good deeds or an increase in punishment for his sins.

So if you have faith in your god you don´t need to be afraid.
You won´t be punished.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In Episode "2x10 - 23. Psalm" Eko has faith in god. Charlotte Malkin told Eko that Yemi said that Eko is a good priest and he´s proud of him. On the island Eko didn´t speak for 40 days because he sinned.
At the latest since Eko knows about the drug statues he knows Yemi (´s body) is on the island which has to be a miracle.
So his faith is great.


I was not afraid of it.

Damon Lindelof in the audio commentary:
And that´s the key there. It means, Eko wasn´t afraid of the smoke and eh eh we actually have talked about this a little bit before and you know this is the significance in terms of why the smoke monster didn´t harm him.

So Smokey couldn´t/didn´t want to harm Eko because he has faith and no fear.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In "3x05 - The Cost of Living" Eko is different.

For better understanding this we got a flashback from his childhood.
As a kid Eko steals food for Yemi but he doesn´t want to confess because it was for a greater good. He doesn´t accept it was a sin
and not to confess is against god. He doesn´t believe.


The same thing happens several years later.

Eko: I ask for no forgiveness father for i have not sinned. I´ve only done what i needed to survive...
Yemi: You speak to me as if i were your brother.
Eko: (totally afraid and weird) Who are you? WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU?

This is the same thing. Although he is faithfull he won´t accept this was a sin. This is against his belief and so he got judged by Smokey.

Eko was killed because he has no more faith/he was afraid.


The Nazar

The Nazar is an amulett from the turkish and islamic belief which shall protect yourself against the evil eye.

After their belief people with light-blue eyes have the sinister look.
With such a amulett you can defy this spell.

The world Nazar originally means "look/view"


on the hatch mural

and in the brainwash-video

Maybe there is a connection to Djinns.



For everybody:

The whole Episode "?" is about the ? and the Pearl station.
Locke and Eko were led there. Locke actually the SECOND TIME!
What the heck else shall it be?

From above you can see the question mark

Carlton Cuse in the audio commentary of 2x10 - Psalm 23
Minute 35:
I love the fact that they are right now over the que.. over the PEARL.
You know like the question mark hatch is right under them.

And we´re just not telling the story ...

And you know the island keeps sending them to the place on the island which is the very center of the map that we see in the hatch a couple of episodes from now, the question mark.

There is nothing else...

This has also been confirmed several times by Gregg Nations: ... hp?t=48770


The Octagon

-Djinns can be summoned with symbols... so maybe some signs/logos -> maybe the Octagon

-have a symbolic meaning because of the 8
-the 8 is the number of perfectibility and godlike perfection
-the 8 also means the resurrection of Jesus Christ
-in the Middle Ages the central buildings in churches were build as octagons
-there are also Octagonal Numbers
-in "Exodus" there was a guy with a "crazy 8" hat

so... The Dharma Logo is based on the Ba Gua
but there are more Octagons, not just at LOST...
-at LOST:
-Michael is going to pick up Walt in Australia
-the blast door map -> stations in an octagon

-2 islamic symbols:

-the baptistery in florence

-the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem


Hint or coincidence?

I already said a Djinn is made of smokeless fire... this could be a hint to the flame station. Got this? SO check THIS out...

We know all stations on the island... just the FLAME hatch hasn´t been found yet by us. So the guy with the eyepatch HAS to be in the flame hatch.
Lindelof/Cuse already told us, we will find the FLAME this season.


After a little research I found out the guy with the eyepatch is portraied by "Andrew Divoff" ...

Don´t know him? Doesn´t matter... I will tell you.

Andrew Divoff played the evil djinn the first 2 wishmaster movies.


This HAS to be a hint... they could have chosen ANY damn actor ... but no... they took just HIM.


What a coincidence!!!

I don´t want to say the guy in the hatch is a djinn, but there is a connection.... i think.


Another hint?



just for fun

It´s a Jin Obrazek



There is nothing made up by me...
I have a lot of german sources which i translated into english, but also english sources. These are: ... fdjinn.htm ... pic&t=8663

Posty: 8
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Ulubiona postać: Locke

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez Devil_2k » 26 maja 2007, 09:21

Ok, teoria conajmniej dziwna, ale jest dużo argumentów ;) Jednakże myślę, że twórcy nie wrzucali by dżina do serialu :)
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Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Ulubiona postać: Locke

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez misiek_16 » 28 maja 2007, 18:48

to jest po prostu czysta fantastyka, ktorej nie powinno byc w takim serialu. Wszystko powinno byc realistyczne zeby dodac takiego nastroju..... realistycznego :) to calkiem psuje serial jak sie pojawia ta chmura, i tak dobrze ze nie wywiera ona wplywu na ciaglasc akcjii i nie pojawia sie w kazdym odcinku :)
Posty: 48
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz
Ulubiona postać: Sawyer

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez predator » 28 maja 2007, 21:15

Ostatnio Kristin z E!Online zadała Damonowi ( LOST co-producer ) pytanie:
Kristin: The island's mysteries can be explained strictly by science.
Damon: Strictly by science?

Kristin: Strictly.
Damon: Hell no, I won't tell you.

:D Ja nie wierzę, że LOST nie ma nic wspólnego z wierzeniami, sprawami wydawałoby się paranormalnymi, które jakoś jednak są wytłumaczone. Osobiście pisałem od jakiś 7 podcastów jedno i to samo pytanie do autorów serialu, którzy odpowiadają potem na te pytania, czy Smokie to djinn. Parę osób oczywiście to zirytowało, do tego stopnia, że sami ponawiali to pytanie bo ta teoria jest GENIALNA! Przeczytajcie dokładnie, wszystko się zgadza. Po przeczytaniu tej teorii i oglądnięciu kliku epizodów, a także tych najnowszych wgięło mnie w krzesło. Jak smokie to nie dżin, to nie wiem co, po autorzy zdementowali jakoby to miały być nanoboty, czy nanotechnologia Dharmy. Smokie na tej wyspie był przed Dharmą, przynajmniej na razie tak to wygląda, chociaż w LOSTcie nigdy nic nie wiadomo. Skoro nie jest to sen, wyobraźnia, nie jest to czyściec ani piekło - co także zdementowali autorzy, więc czym jest smokie? Evangeline Lilly w ostatnim wywiadzie przed finałem sezonu powiedziała, że po finale będziemy mieli minimalnie większe domyślenie czym jest smokie. W finale ( uwaga spoiler ) widzieliśmy smokiego chyba tylko raz, kiedy "uratował" Locke'a przed samobójstwem. Przybrał on postać Walta i co najważniejsze i najbardziej charakterystyczne dla dżina, było słuchać głosy...głosy pojawiające się prawie za każdym razem kiedy widzimy smokiego/smokich, wyjątek to dziwne odgłosy przy manifestacji bądź złości/pogoni dżina. No cóż, zobaczymy, zobaczymy, ale teoria strasznie mi się podoba, bo nie ma słabych punktów. Czytałem ich wiele i zawsze było coś sprzecznego, głupiego. Oprócz tego jeszcze jedyną ciekawą opinią jest mówiąca o Jacobie, który opiekuje się wyspą pod postacią dymu. Zero faktów ani argumentów, o Jacobie dowiemy się więcej w 4 sezonie, ale skoro potrafi być niewidoczny ( fantastyka ? :p nie sądzę ), to czemu nie.
Posty: 8
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Ulubiona postać: Locke

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez misiek_16 » 29 maja 2007, 17:44

jak to rzeczywiscie bed djinn to bedzie zle ogladalo sie serial ze swiadomoscia ze lost jest powiazany z bohaterem z bajki o alladynie ;/
Posty: 48
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz
Ulubiona postać: Sawyer

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez Gaw » 29 maja 2007, 17:53

"Djinns have nothing to do with the pop culture creatures...
They don´t live in oil lamps and they don´t grant 3 wishes."

To nie jest bajkowy Djinn
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Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez misiek_16 » 29 maja 2007, 17:59

no to jesli nie ten bajkowy to moze to wygladac calkiem ciekawie
Posty: 48
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz
Ulubiona postać: Sawyer

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez No_name » 29 maja 2007, 19:32

Mi się wydaje, że dym to Jacob. Bo skoro umie znikać, poruszać przedmiotami itp., to chyba on jako jedyny może nim być ;]
Posty: 758
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Ulubiona postać: Locke

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez misiek_16 » 30 maja 2007, 13:10

mi sie wydaje ze pod dymem kryje sie jakas osoba, i tą osobą moze byc jacob wieziony przez othersow, bo przeciez prosil Johna o pomoc jak byli w tym domu. A ze ben nie cchcial zeby Locke sie o tym dowiedzial to go ,,niby,, zabil
Posty: 48
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz
Ulubiona postać: Sawyer

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez No_name » 30 maja 2007, 19:38

misiek_16 napisał(a):mi sie wydaje ze pod dymem kryje sie jakas osoba, i tą osobą moze byc jacob wieziony przez othersow, bo przeciez prosil Johna o pomoc jak byli w tym domu. A ze ben nie cchcial zeby Locke sie o tym dowiedzial to go ,,niby,, zabil

Gdyby Ben chciał zabić Johna, to by go dobił strzałem w głowę. Nie zostawił by go żywego.
Posty: 758
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Ulubiona postać: Locke

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez misiek_16 » 31 maja 2007, 13:19

i to jest nastepny dowod na to ze serial jest za bardzo fantastyczny :( przeciez on go trafil prosto w klatke piersiowa, gdzie bez pomocy jakichkolwiek osob on powinien umrzec...a on jeszcze sobie spokojnie wyszedl do gory pod nadajnik i bez problemu rzucil nozem :)
Posty: 48
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz
Ulubiona postać: Sawyer

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez Devil_2k » 01 cze 2007, 10:16

misiek napisał(a):a on jeszcze sobie spokojnie wyszedl do gory pod nadajnik i bez problemu rzucil nozem

Ja myślałem, że kulał :D
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Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Ulubiona postać: Locke

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez misiek_16 » 01 cze 2007, 12:32

no, a powinien sie toczyc po ziemii
Posty: 48
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Lokalizacja: Nowy Sącz
Ulubiona postać: Sawyer

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez No_name » 01 cze 2007, 17:17

misiek_16 napisał(a):no, a powinien sie toczyc po ziemii

No nie wiem, czy z kulą w brzuchu dałby radę się toczyć po ziemi xD
Posty: 758
Dołączył(a): maja 2007
Ulubiona postać: Locke

Re: Smokie to Dżin

Postprzez zmorex » 28 lis 2007, 18:55

jesli kula nie uszkodziła by nic w środku to mógłby chodzić, a ben moze nie chciał go zabić tylko wystawić na próbe. przecież powiedział zeby jackob mu teraz pomógł. jak by mu strzelił w głowe to by nie było komu pomagac... a z tym ze dymek (spotkałem też określenie lostzilla) to jackob sądze ze jest to sensowne wytłumaczenie ale nie sądze zeby ben go więził. ben wyglądał na totalnie zdezorientowanego
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